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Discovers remote blueotooth devices and services.


    btdiscovery [-iSeconds] [-bBluetoothAddress | -nFriendlyName] [-dFormat] [-s[Format]]

     -i  Set the length of inquiry to the specified number of seconds.
     -b  Bluetooth address of remote device in (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) format.
     -n  Friendly name of temote device.
     -d  Set output format for the list of discovered devices.
     -s  Make service discovery. Optionally set output format for the list of services.
     -h  Prints help screen.

    Notes: if -n or -b are set, btdiscovery returns data obtained from that device only.

     The -d switch supports the following format specifiers:

       %n% - friendly name
       %a% - bluetooth address
       %t% - class-of-device (CoD)
       %r% - remembered
       %p% - authenticated
       %c% - connected
       %s% - lastseen
       %u% - lastused
       %b% - manufacturer name
       \n  - new line
       \t  - tab
       \\  - backslash
       All other characters are displayed as-is.

     The -s switch supports the following format specifiers:

       %sn% - service name
       %su% - UUID
       %si% - short UUID
       %sc% - RFCOMM channel
       \n  - new line
       \t  - tab
       \\  - backslash
       All other characters are displayed as-is.

      1. Discover all devices and thier services, display information in default format:
         btdiscovery -s

      2. Discover all devices and return display addresses only:

         btdiscovery -d"%a%"

      2. Discover services from the device named "Nokia 6630" and display names and channels:

         btdiscovery -n"Nokia 6630" -s"%sc% - %sn%"

btdiscovery maintains the ERRORLEVEL environment variable. Zero means successful execution, any other value - error. Detailed error description is printed to the standard error output.

Download and install

btdiscovery is a part of Bluetooth command line tools suite.

Download setup package from the Bluetooth command line tools home page

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