Enables or disables remote bluetooth services, manipulates bluetooth COM ports.
Usage: btcom {-c|-r} {-bBluetoothAddress | -nFriendlyName} [-s{sp|dun|GUID|UUID}] -c Create association between COM port and a remote service (Enable non-COM service). -r Remove association between COM port and a remote service (Disable non-COM service). -s Remote service to use (Default is Serial Port Service) -b Bluetooth address of remote device in (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) format. -n Friendly name of remote device. -h Prints this help screen. Notes: 1. Service can be specified as a GUID (e.g. {00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}) or short UUID (e.g. 1124). 2. Im most cases the remote device should be paired first before using "btcom" utility. samples: 1. Associate Dialup Networking service of the device named "Nokia 6630" with local COM port: btcom -n"Nokia 6630" -c -sdun 2. Enable HID service of the Bluetooth mouse btcom -b"00:01:02:03:FF:FF" -c -s1124
btcom maintains the ERRORLEVEL environment variable. Zero means successful execution, any other value - error. Detailed error description is printed to the standard error output.
btcom is a part of Bluetooth command line tools suite.
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